Great Crossing of the Alps GTA

The Great Crossing of the Alps (GTA) is a hiking trail that connects the Alps and develops partly in the Piedmont Region

Great Crossing of the Alps GTA

The Great Crossing of the Alps (GTA) is a hiking trail that connects the Alps and develops partly in the Piedmont Region. The total route takes approximately 1000km of trail: a comprehensive hiking in the Alps of Piedmont traveled from South to North or vice versa. On the path of "base" are inserted also several variations and cross country routes, which provide deeper knowledge of particular areas.

Each step will be from 5 to 8 hours of travel, mostly on mule or easy paths, moving from one to another that is more accessible through the steps.

The paths are identified by a metal sign where it shows a flag striped red, white and red, with the center marked GTA. At the end of each day you stay in a shelter or in a "staging point" agreement with GTA. Also in this case, the individual stages can become interesting daily excursions or two days.

More information:
GTA - Wikipedia